Enabling Predictive Analytics
Maximizing the Value of your Aircraft Data
The Internet of Things (IoT) onboard aircraft encompases 1,000s of sensors and systems generating vast amounts of data that is not fully utilized.
Aircraft IoT Consulting & Solutions is working to change this.
Our Mission is to facilitate improvement in airline operational efficiency, reliability and safety by helping customers leverage the volumes of data generated by aircraft. We help the aviation community uncover and expand available data and maximize its value.

Our Story
Aircraft IoT Consulting & Solutions was founded in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic with the aim of helping the airline industry emerge post-pandemic more efficient, reliable and safer than before. We are doing this by helping customers connect sensor data from airplane assets with advanced analytics that can provide actionable insights for maintenance and operations.
At Aircraft IoT we have an in-depth understanding of the full asset data stack: from source onboard the aircraft at the network edge where sensor data is generated, to onboard acquisition and analytics, to data transmission and harvesting, to ground-based storage and decoding, and ultimately to ingestion into data platforms and analytics applications that drive actionable insights used to achieve operational excellence.
Who We Are
Aircraft IoT is a specialized consulting and solution provider established to help the airline industry with all aspects of connecting A.I. and advanced analytics with sensor data from airplane assets.
We assist our clients with the universal quest for more reliable and efficient operations and provide on demand expertise in aircraft Operational Technology (OT) and aircraft data that supports aviation digital transformation and big data projects.
Our Vision
We believe that advanced analyitcs can improve the efficiency and reliability of airline operations, enhance flight safety and reduce operational risk.
Our vision is a world where air travel is trouble-free, where Aircraft On Ground "AOG" situations due to technical issues are a thing of the past, and where unscheduled maintenance and flight delays are rare occurences.
It must first be dreamed as possible, before together we can make it reality!

Aircraft Data S.M.E.
Don't understand the capabilities of your aircraft avionics systems that generate, capture and transmit the data you need?
Don't know the aircraft data you already harvest?
Aircraft IoT provides independent Subject Matter Expertise to support your aircraft data and analytics projects.
End-to-End Aircraft Data Strategy
Do you know what sensor and systems data is generated by your aircraft?
Are you aware of what data is harvested today, and how to decode and make sure it is good before making use of it?
Aircraft IoT can help you expand your Aircraft Sensor Data Acquisition and Harvesting to support your Business Intelligence (BI), Flight Ops Efficiency and Predictive Maintenance aspirations.
Data Connectivity Cost Management
Are you aware of ALL the various aircraft data connectivity systems already on your aircraft?
Do you know the capabilities and cost of these data links? for example are you aware some of the links cost ~$1000 per aircraft every month for just a few MB of data?
Are you paying a premium for all aircraft data transmissions whether or not they are needed in real-time?
Aircraft IoT can educate you, review your costs and future needs, and help reduce your data communications costs.
Aircraft Data Avionics Roadmap
Do you have a technology roadmap for your aircraft data systems onboard the aircraft and on the ground?
Are you aware of the options available to you to address obsolescence and technical debt?
Lacking resources to plan and manage aircraft data avionics retrofits?
Aircraft IoT can provide Project Management and Technology Education and assist with your Roadmap development or implementation.
Data Applications & Services
Aircraft IoT offers these solutions in conjunction with select partners:
Aircraft Data Monitoring & Decoding
Low cost Regional and Global Cellular IoT Data Service
Safety Management System (SMS) Software as a Service including Flight Data Monitoring / FOQA
Predictive & Prescriptive Maintenance analytics
Please contact us for more details.

Deep Industry Knowledge
The Internet of Things (IoT) is associated with industrial Digital Transformation, although the term is seldom used in aviation. Airplanes, engines and their systems together with airline operations make up a complex "network of things" with a legacy of Avionics technology and Telex communications that pre-dates the Internet. While Internet Protocol (IP) technologies are now selectively applied in airplane data and connectivity systems, legacy technology is still prevalent and will be for many years.
Airlines now have a multitude of industrial Predictive Analytics services and solutions available to them, but most services are starved of vital aircraft sensor data streams. And there are a mix of data Operational Technology and solutions onboard the aircraft and on the ground from aircraft manufacturers, vendors and service providers. This technology varies widely by aircraft type, generation and manufacturer and airlines often wish to subscribe to multiple service providers.
At Aircraft IoT we have experience with both aircraft data and connectivity systems as well as industrial Predictive Analytics technologies and services. We can help you navigate the aircraft data landscape, formulate strategies and achieve your operational objectives.
Years of Experience
The founder of Aircraft IoT, William Cecil, has a unique experience in aviation with 25 years in aircraft data and connectivity systems used by airlines globally, and 5 years working with industrial data analytics technology and its application in aviation.
Aircraft IoT consulting service is independent from OEMs, vendors and service providers. We subscribe to the airlines' view that airlines own the data generated by the airplane assets they operate, and that they should have freedom of choice with regard to the the storage and use of their aircraft data.